Thursday, April 7, 2011

Trail Name - Gravity

Hey guys,

I know you haven't been able to do anything except wonder how I got my trail name since I posted the other day. So, basically, I trudge up hills super slowly, and run downhill. When it started, I was with a group that would always pull away from me while we were heading uphill, and then I would catch or pass them on the flats/downhills. I guess the fact that I have 23-year-old good knees really helps. Also, while I was at the Nantahala Outdoor Center, I lightened my load, changed to a much lighter pack, and switched from fairly heavy boots to ultra light trail runners.

Right now I'm sitting at the outfitter's in Fontana Dam, NC, eating a microwave burrito and drinking a Cheerwine (soda). I'm staying at the Fontana Dam Lodge tonight with some friends, and then we'll move into Great Smoky Mountains National Park tomorrow. I'll probably be incommunicado until we reach the other side of the Smokies, and I'll post some pictures and videos from the other side. I've got a bunch that I haven't posted yet, but I also don't have my camera on me at the moment (it's back in the room). Look for me to post a youtube channel with my videos once I get a chance!

So I've got some sweet wildlife stories, or at least pictures and encounters. I'll post the pictures later, but here are the animals I've seen: squirrels, chipmunks, mice, lots of birds - mostly Eastern Towhee, cardinals, crows, a bunch of vultures, some pileated woodpeckers, and a lot of really small blue-gray birds that I can't identify; also I heard some owls yesterday while I was hiking during the day, which was strange, and then there were a whole bunch last night as we were sitting around the campfire, and it seemed like they were surrounding us, which was cool and eerie. The other day, Cropduster, Switchback, and I came across a large (~3' long) black snake on the trail, sunning himself. And then yesterday I came around a corner and heard scurrying up a tree, and looked about 50 feet in front of me to see what turned out to be a badger about six feet up a tree. I was able to slowly move closer and got about 10-15 feet away. I have some really nice pictures of that one, which I'll post when I get a chance. The bugs are definitely coming out too - lots of gnats that remind me of black flies, and yesterday crickets or grasshoppers were apparently coming to life on the trail, because almost all day as I walked they jumped away in front of me and it sounded almost like it was raining.

We're spending tonight here in Fontana to get clean and dry before we push into the Smokies. Hopefully the weather stays nice for us while we're out there, because it's supposed to be pretty cold and we're going up to some high elevation! Also I hope we're able to get into the park in spite of the government shutdown (anyone want to fill me in on what's happening there?)!

1 comment:

  1. Georgia misses you, Gravity!!! But I'm SO glad you're back at it again. Thanks for responding to my comment. Drew says hey :)
