Monday, February 28, 2011


Hey everyone,

Welcome to my AT blog, and thanks for reading! I'll be updating this several times throughout my trip. Mostly I'll be using this to tell you about places I've been, people I've met, and cool things I've experienced along the way. If you have anything specific you want to know more about, please comment or shoot me an email!

I want to take this opportunity to explain why I've decided to take this trip. The first time I heard of the AT was in eighth grade social studies. My teacher had done it in his early 20s when he didn't really know what he wanted to do with the rest of his life. I'm sort of in the same boat: I worked for a few years at a couple different jobs, both related and unrelated to my degree, and wasn't really satisfied with the direction my life was taking. I had also always been intrigued by the Appalachian Trail and love being outdoors, so I started making plans to actually take the trip that had been an idea for quite a while. I'm planning to do a lot of reflection while I'm on the trail, and I'm also looking forward to the opportunity to get away from the technology that seems to rule our lives these days. God has really opened doors in my life to make this trip a possibility and reality, and I truly pray that I will use this time in my life with purpose, not simply as a reason to escape from "real life". I'm looking forward to the people I will meet and the relationships I will form, as well as the physical, emotional, and spiritual challenges I will face on the trail. I will be tested in all these ways, so I'm excited to see how I will change during the course of this journey; while I'm looking forward to the sheer physical accomplishment of hiking 2181 miles from Springer Mtn, GA, to Katahdin, ME, I know that the real achievement will be the discoveries made throughout the entire trip.

I'll be posting several more times before I go; I'm planning to post a gear list and several photos of the training hikes I've done in the past few months. So, be looking forward to those!


  1. I'm so proud of you for going on this journey! Even though I was scared that you're going on it alone, it'll give you time to figure your life out, and let's face it with the winning personality you have you won't be alone for long!
    I can't wait to read all about your adventures!! I'll be praying for you everyday and am looking forward to seeing you after you return to Maine with a whole new perspective on life! Don't change too much though because you're one of my favorite people just the way you are!! :)
    You inspire me to do something similar to figure my life out if my current plans don't work out and I can't wait to hear your viewpoints and the lessons you learn in the following months!
    Love you so much and miss you already!

  2. Hey friend. I think its great that you will have this and post pics and stories along your trip. I understand and respect your desires of this trip. Looking forward to seeing what comes of it. May God lead you and keep you safe while in the middle of His creation!


  3. Just read your first blog post Max! Sorry we couldn't catch up before you left, but know that I'll be thinking of you while you're hiking your way back up here. Be strong and have a wonderful time, but remember that it's also strong to know when to ask for help if you need it and there are so many of us I'm sure who are willing to give you the boost you need whatever that may be. Have a wonderful time discovering who you will become, but remember also who you've been - which has been and will continue to be one of my best friends.

    Take care!
    Anna Banana

  4. Awesome Max. I will be checking up on you/living vicariously through you during this trip ;) I hope you find this to be refreshing and enriching, encouraging and strengthening. May the Lord light your path (that's a little trail pun too).
